Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle. -Psalm 144:1 (ESV)
ATA's Vision Statement
My vision is of a future where armed and competent Citizen-Warriors live their lives confidently and with peace of mind, doing good and making the world better for themselves and those around them. I see a future where those who do evil cower in fear from the light, and have no freedom to act out their evil desires. I want to do my part to bring about a future full of Americans taking responsibility for the well-being of their lives, families, communities, and nation.
ATA's Mission Statement
The mission of Appalachian Tactical Academy is to enable Citizen-Warriors to defend themselves, their families, and their communities against those who would do evil. We do this by providing safe, high quality combative firearms training that is accessible, affordable, and free of ego. We further enable Citizen-Warriors to be successful by publishing relevant, quality content for their continued education. We do this in order to help keep good people safe from those who do evil.
Here at Appalachian Tactical Academy, our mission is to provide high quality tactical training for the Citizen-Warrior in order to keep good people safe. We despise evil, and so we commit ourselves to delivering the highest-quality instruction possible. We believe that life is too precious to leave undefended, so one of our deepest desires is to help good people learn to protect themselves and others.
Regardless of whether you are civilian or military, work in law enforcement or retail, we will treat you with the same high level of professionalism and respect. We are not elitists; none of our classes are restricted to military or law enforcement because we believe that the private citizen’s life is just as important as the life of the police officer or the soldier. We are not egotistical; everybody who comes to an ATA class is treated with the decency and respect that one human owes another.
We only teach material relevant to your needs: if you’ve sought training in the past and been disillusioned by the “tactical entertainment” industry, then rest assured that you have finally found what you’ve been looking for. We provide training in real skills and tactics for the real world. The techniques we teach have been proven on the field of battle in real life-and-death struggles. When we tell you that we offer the best, rest assured that it’s the truth.
Our students’ safety, both in and out of class, is our top priority. Our instruction and encouragement are designed to enhance your safety once you hit the streets. On our range and in our classroom, we ensure a safe and professional learning environment for all of our students. All our instructors are gun-handling professionals, and we take every reasonable step to mitigate the risks inherent in tactical firearms training so that you can put your mind at ease and learn what we have to teach.
Click here to read about our instructors
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9 (ESV)